What Our Teachers Say
I like working here because the management cares for the staff’s welfare. Leave is easily granted and this is important when we (staff) have personal things to attend to. The colleagues here are cooperative and friendly. The environment in the school, especially the church grounds has a sense of security. I like the way the management allocate working Saturdays. We have many Saturdays off to do things we couldn’t complete on weekdays.
K1 English Teacher
工作在学前教育的老师,用辛勤的汗水,浇灌着幼苗,老师们也用她们的智慧创造了幼儿美好的童年. 投入自己所热爱的幼儿教育事业中,协助国家培育未来的栋梁是一件富有意义的事情.我坚守岗位,选择继续与幼儿为伍的工作.在这里工作的老师都能把自己的潜能发挥到最高点.在宽大的课室上课,或到操场上玩游戏都是最舒服的一件事,完全没有约束感,校长也会支持老师和协助老师,欢迎大家来加入我们这一行.
K2 Chinese Teacher
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We are always welcoming to volunteers who want to influence young lives. If you want to donate your time or give financially, we will love to hear from you.